Write an essay for a scholarship
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Structure, methodologies and approach towards employee satisfaction and motivation
Structure, procedures and approach towards representative fulfillment and inspiration The contextual analysis follows over Volkswagen, (South Africas) association diagram featuring the structure, philosophies and approach towards representative fulfillment and inspiration. The whole setting of the contextual investigation is about Volkswagens interior hierarchical conduct, the board rehearses and their compelling execution. In this unique situation, the task is focussed at first on the innovatory measures proposing right course to hold workforce loyalty and commitment towards an association. Volkswagen is among the couple of associations accepted to create world class cars, and stands apart recognize, thus the obligation and related level of desires are higher. Thinking about the serious condition, todays representative is canny yet requesting and consequently it has gotten progressively muddled to live up to their objective desires. The administration of VW (SA) is tirelessly connected with to determine the issues relating to workers monetary soundness, proficient mo vement, pay and benefits, testing and profoundly prepared encompassing. In expansion to this the organization has immensely changed its social qualities. The initial part explains the administration and hierarchical conduct practices of VW (SA), examining the essential targets, current circumstance and future possibilities deciding explicit objectives. Worker inspiration is basic to keep dynamic working of an association. The middle of the road segment of the task is accentuated on the essentialness of representative affectation and persuasive methods by examining four generous speculations of workforce inspiration and basic examination of Volkswagen (SAs) activities towards worker inspiration techniques. The later part focuses on the significance of associates to amalgamate and work as a solitary unit. Collaboration presents a sound culture that qualities community oriented endeavors and the group immovably has confidence in intuition, arranging, talking about, choosing and working along with participation. Collaborations with inspirational perspectives and right way are unavoidable to succeed. Basic conversation depends on the originations and inventive thoughts by which VW (SA) can guarantee their groups to create effective collaboration and higher efficiency. List of chapters: Official SUMMARY 1. Presentation 1 2. VW (SAs) Management Organizational Behavior 1 2.1 Overview 1 2.2 VWs Behavioral Management Practice 1 (I) In Context of Behavioral Management Theories 2 2.3 VWs Organizational Environment Practice 2 (I) In Context of Organizational Environment Theories 3 3. Inspiration 3 3.1 Theories of Motivation 4 3.2 Analyzing VWs Employee Motivation Strategy 5 (I) Structuring Remuneration Package and Benefits 5 (ii) Stipulating Fundamental Equipment 6 (iii) Leadership Training and Development 6 (iv) Open Lines of Communication 7 (v) Professional Content and Indemnity 7 (vi) Company Values 8 (vii) Service Excellence Culture 8 4. Meaning of a Proficient Team 9 4.1 Team Contribution to Enhance Productivity 9 (I) Credence on the Leadership 9 (ii) Solidarity of the Members 10 (iv) Articulate Objective 10 (v) Colloquial Ambiance Group Participation 10 (vi) Dissolving Perplexity 10 (vii) Constructive Criticism 10 5. Techniques to Ensure VWs (SA) Labor Efficiency 10 5.1 Appropriate Selection 11 5.2 Specifying Codes of Conduct 11 5.3 Establish Substantial Goals 11 5.4 Praise and Appreciation 11 5.5 Developing Sense of Direction 11 5.6 Building Team Spirit 11 5.7 Employee Empowerment 12 6. Convincing Remarks 12 7. Book index 13 8. Informative supplements 14 (I) Appendix A 14 (ii) Appendix B 14 (iii) Appendix C 15 Page # 1 1. Presentation: Present day worldwide world is involved organizations and endeavors having profoundly gifted, learned, advanced and unequivocal workforce, with drastically expanding job. Associations execution and profitability is straightforwardly impacted by the responsibility and dedication of its workers. Todays serious expert air has constrained the consideration of the associations to catch the importance of worker maintenance and in this manner compelled them to create systems customized to satisfy representative fulfillment. The maintainability of an association is exposed to the general fringe and conditions which influence its development and advancement. The praiseworthy worker situated culture speaks to address condition, challenges, singular turn of events, acknowledgment and exact spurring cunning. Compromise of powerful administration and reliable workforce while applying the uplifting mentalities and right attitude represents higher efficiency of an association. 2. VW (SAs) MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL Behavior 2.1 Overview: Volkswagen of South Africa was set up in 1946, and is claimed auxiliary of VW Aktiengessellschaft (VWAG) in Germany, situated in Uitenhage. VW bunch is the universes fourth-biggest vehicle maker, and the biggest vehicle maker in Europe, comprising eight brands and works 44 assembling offices found in 12 European and 6 different nations in the Americas, Asia and Africa. Monitoring its lofty attestation in the car business, the association is engaged and reliably connected with to elevate its profile. So as to accomplish the ideal degree of profitability, inside and outer consumer loyalty and reimbursement must be organized. VWs splendid procedure producers have captured the circumstance and are constantly associated with creating approaches for the prompting of representatives to guarantee their maintenance. 2.2 VWs Behavioral Management Practice: Worker positive or negative connection with its association and its administration depends fair and square of fulfillment. An individual is roused to work capably when given proper Page # 2 workplace with adequate hardware. The conduct at work is straightforwardly influenced by the general air, the relationship with associates, work conditions and necessities, the compensation bundle and expert steadiness. The administration should routinely practice to assess and address usefully the necessities and requests of its representatives to increase acceptable and beneficial worker conduct. (I) In Context of Behavioral Management Theories: Behavior examination is the investigation of individual connection with nature and the board of such conduct is a fundamental component portrayed to create direct impact on the benefit of an association. The disappointing conduct of a representative is an away from of the framework disappointment as the general specialists conduct is the impression of the administration arrangements. Sound strategies tending to representatives needs including employer stability, quiet climate, specified vital hardware, equity and expert movement is bound to deliver the variety of workforce fundamental for a progressing beneficial association. Mary Parkers conduct the executives hypothesis centers around the way that compelling initiative is the way to rouse representatives and for that evaluation of their activity improvement limit will profit. A Hawthorne study features the significance of watching the recurrence of practices and their yields. A quic k input on execution with adequate data for self remedy is important to improve working. VWs approach towards group building meeting is apparent and is right way. In any case, representatives of today are not limited to data rather ready to take an interest, share and talk about their own perspectives and innovative thoughts for usage. The specialist knows about the qualities and shortcomings pertinent to the activity and is the person who has inordinate information and order over it and thus realizes how to control and improve the assignment. 2.3 VWs Organizational Environment Practice: Workforce of an association is basically constrained to work inside gatherings where conduct of representatives may change as indicated by the important conditions, work conditions physical or mental state. Given the circumstance nature of an association is established in the conduct of its workers. Authoritative condition must be cordial, steady and helpful by permitting the administration and the basic workers to examine and impart their insights. Page # 3 Dynamic associations are slanted towards building great work status and esteemed environment for their workforce so as to achieve wanted outcomes. (I) In Context of Organizational Environment Theories: An association is involved a gathering of individuals and assets united basically for communication and cognizant coordination to secure a typical reason or a target. The endurance of a commendable domain is exposed to its harmony. There are a few procedures progressing at the same time inside an association and the significant trouble is with proposing any difference in structure in light of the fact that once the structure is created it prevents to adjust to ecological changes. Understanding the distinction among formal and casual correspondence turns into a troublesome errand for initiative. The hierarchical condition hypotheses underline the inside and outer connections; outside assets fill in as sources of info which are additionally handled into merchandise and enterprises bringing about completed yields in the earth. An open framework is generally collaborates with the earth while the shut framework is conceited and for th e most part neglects to be acknowledged. VWs the executives is reliably attempting to build up a culture of greatness where the right to speak freely of discourse, casual cooperation, and administration quality gatherings can be completed as easygoing practices. The idea is exemplary yet testing. The possibility hypothesis stresses that the administration must be adaptable to respond to ecological changes. Present day and mechanical associations have probability to modify the conventiona
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How We Are Teaching Children to Think Inside the Box Essay Example for Free
How We Are Teaching Children to Think Inside the Box Essay At the point when youngsters get back home from school, guardians for the most part plunk down with them, experience their schoolwork organizers and ask their kid, â€Å"so, what did you learn at school today?†Twenty years prior, the kid may have remarked on what they realized in workmanship, music, social examinations or geology. Presently, a youngster will remark just on what they realized in their understanding circle or in their math book. The shortcoming for this exists in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. State sanctioned testing has transformed educators into test delegate and schools into testing offices. Understudies are done getting wide instruction that covers numerous subjects; rather, their learning is smoothed out to fit the substance that is on the government sanctioned tests. The NCLB Act isn't functioning as it was expected, and subsequently the American youngsters are falling considerably further behind other created countries. Truth be told, American understudies are positioned nineteenth out of 21 nations in math, sixteenth in science and toward the end in material science (DeWeese 2). The No Child Left Behind Act should be hurled out before we harm the instruction framework. It isn't past the point of no return †we can turn everything around by disposing of expensive government sanctioned tests, guarantee understudies get wide instruction that remembers classes for expressions and music, which will better set them up for advanced education, and give control back to the individual states. In 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act was established by Congress, which was proposed to close the learning hole between Caucasian understudies and minority understudies. The NCLB vowed to advance responsibility among educators and school directors, just as guaranteeing that all youngsters would be capable †as per principles set by the individual states †in perusing and math before the finish of the 2013-2014 school year (Ravitch 2). Likewise, NCLB expressed that before the finish of the 2005-2006 school-year each study hall in America would have a profoundly qualified instructor (Paige 2). The most dependable way that the drafters of No Child Left Behind proposed gathering the information that they required so as to monitor responsibility and capability was by ordering that each state issue theirâ students in grades 3 through 12 a government sanctioned test every year that covers the subjects of perusing, composing and math (Beveridge 1). The test that is given will be given to all understudies, regardless of whether they are Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, debilitated, and so forth and schools are evaluated dependent on the capability of their understudies. Each state defines a yearly objective that expands every year dependent on the commands of the NCLB Act, in which all understudies will be 100 percent capable in those three subjects constantly 2014 (Ravitch 2). On paper, the NCLB Act seemed as though a gift to schools that are situated in territories of low-pay, minority regions and promoters for kids with learning incapacities in light of the fact that these tests were intended to feature the schools that are doing ineffectively and guarantee they get financing and preparing so as to turn the scores around (Darling-Hammond 1). In a letter that is routed to guardians on their site, the U.S. Branch of Education clarifies that the NCLB Act gives â€Å"more assets to schools†through subsidizing and â€Å"allows more flexibility†while designating the assets (3). As indicated by Linda Darling-Hammond, a Professor of Education at Stanford University, â€Å"the financing apportioned by NCLB †under 10 percent of most schools’ spending plans †doesn't address the issues of the under-resourced schools, where numerous understudies as of now battle to learn†(2). Another way schools get their financing is through the assessments that we pay. It bodes well that schools situated in a territory that has higher pay would get a larger number of assets than schools situated in a low-salary region. What happens is that with the constrained subsidizing, schools in low-pay territories need to organize financing to raise the state sanctioned grades of their understudies in light of the fact that once a school neglects to show improvement in their government sanctioned grades, they are set waiting on the post trial process the subsequent year and guardians are given a decision to leave the bombing school, taking their kid and the subsidizing appended to that youngster to a school that is appraised better. â€Å"In the third year of a school’s disappointment, understudies are qualified for nothing mentoring after school†as per Diane Ravitch, an examination educator of instruction at New York University (2). The subsidizing gave by NCLB should help pay for the free mentoring, in any case, as was expressed previously, the financing gave isn't sufficient. What happens when a school is commanded by law to give assets, however it can't discover room in their financial plan? That’sâ right, they cut financing somewhere else. In an article composed by Angela Pascopella, the Austin Independent School District director Pascal D. Forgione clarifies that â€Å"NCLB likewise necessitates that schools needing improvement put aside 10 percent of their nearby Title 1 assets for proficient advancement †¦ this makes no adaptability in budgeting†(1). At the point when schools need to rebuild their spending plan so as to pay for mentoring and retraining educators, expressions of the human experience and music programs are the ones that endure most. NCLB puts such a great amount of accentuation on the result of the state administered tests. Will you truly accuse the school areas for re-accentuating the significance of state sanctioned tests when their financing depends on it? States were placed responsible for giving their own appraisal tests so as to give progressively engaged instruction to their understudies and guarantee that the understudies fulfill the state’s guidelines of capability. Tina Beveridge clarifies that â€Å"in 2007, the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) cost the state $113 million †¦ [and] numerous locale dispensed with showing positions subsequently, in spite of the utilization of boost cash. As financial plans are cut across the nation, the subsidizing for nontested subjects are inf luenced first†(1). The way that the appropriation of assets depends on the result of the state administered test scores implies that we are glaringly bombing the downtown schools. A school will be set waiting on the post trial process in the event that they flop only one class extending from capability of Caucasian understudies right down to the capability of the understudies who are simply learning the English language. Schools situated in higher salary territories don’t truly need to stress as a lot over spending cuts in light of the fact that those schools are situated in zones that are predominately white and with guardians who are dynamic in their children’s instruction. Then again, schools in low pay territories need to give mentoring and other commanded activities so as to improve their capability rates, at the same time their understudies are learning in â€Å"crumbling offices, packed homerooms, outdated reading material, no science labs, no workmanship or music courses and a rotating entryway of undeveloped teachers†(Darling-Hammond 2). Following a couple of long stretches of a school not indicating improvement through their grades, their whole school personnel could be terminated. We just witnessed this last year in Providence, Rhode Island. The educational committee ended 1,976 educators in light of deficient outcomes and the need to make spending cuts (Chivvis 1). The turnover rate forâ teachers is now incredibly high, as much as 50 percent leave inside 5 years in urban territories (McKinney et al 1) and the weight of working in a low-salary school locale where schools are deficient with regards to fundamental instructing necessities isn't too engaging. The failure of low-pay schools to offer educators motivators in view of financing, and with the additional worry of employer stability, it makes one miracle how any profoundly qualified instructors are in the homeroom. In addition, the educational plan for understudies has gotten so limited that it has taken a great deal of the imagination and individualization that once pulled in the most elite to the instructing calling. Susan J. Hobart is a case of one of those instructors who used to adore carrying out her responsibility since she was leaving her blemish on her understudies, in a positive way. In Hobart’s article, she recounts a letter she got from one of her understudies before the NCLB Act. The letter clarified that Hobart was â€Å"different than different instructors, positively. [They] didn’t gain just from a course reading; [they] encountered the points by ‘jumping into the textbook.’ [They] got the opportunity to build a rainforest in [their] study hall, have an extravagant lunch on the Queen Elizabeth II, and go on a safari through Africa†(3). The understudy proceeds to clarify that the style of instructing she encountered during that time is the thing that she trusts she can do when she turns into an instructor as well. Sadly, that student’s dream will in all likelihood not work out as expected on the grounds that the truth of the matter is that when schools are set waiting on the post trial process, as Hobart’s school, they â€Å"teach test-taking techniques like those educated in Stanley Kaplan prep courses †¦ and invest an over the top measure of energy telling understudies the best way to ‘bubble up’†(1). With constantly and vitality being put on instructing kids to peruse and compose, you would believe that they would be capable when they take a crack at school, isn't that so? Wrong. â€Å"42 percent of junior college green beans and 20 percent of first year recruits in four-year organizations take a crack at in any event one medicinal course †¦ 35 percent were taken on m ath, 23 percent recorded as a hard copy, and 20 percent in reading,†as per the Alliance for Excellent Education (1). Schools are so dependent on the government sanctioned tests so as to check how understudies are understanding material that they have relaxed in different zones like showing fundamental investigation abilities and basic reasoning aptitudes. At the point when the majority of these children move on from secondary school and go into a school setting, particularly
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Essay Sample Can I Be Harmed by Things which Happen after My Death
Essay Sample Can I Be Harmed by Things which Happen after My Death Can I Be Harmed by Things which Happen after My Death? May 31, 2019 in Argumentative Essay Introduction A person can be harmed in different ways by a number of things during his/her life. Can one be harmed by the things which happen after his/her death? Lucretius stated that the soul was material and mortal, and Plato claimed immortality of soul in his works. There are convincing arguments that a person can not be harmed after death, according to Lucretius and Plato. Our universe is a very complicated mechanism. In On the Nature of Things, Lucretius raised issues about atomism, soul, and mind. He explained how people thought, and what a thought appeared to be. Lucretius described how the world was created and developed. He concentrated on terrestrial and celestial phenomena. According to the philosopher, the world and everything in it is being guided by a chance, which is called fortuna (Lucretius 121). The world is not created by a supreme being. In Lucretiuss opinion, the world is created by the combination of different atoms and they are guided by specific rules of the universe (122). Lucretius stated that everything that existed and happened in the world could be explained by the natural laws. He believed that the world was created according to the natural laws. Interactions of atoms did not have a specific purpose; they just cooperated in order to create life in the universe.
Friday, May 22, 2020
How did Nazi Propoganda Help Hitler Condolidate Power
The topic of this report is: To what extent did Nazi propaganda help Hitler consolidate power in Germany (1933-1938)? To determine the extent to which Nazi propaganda was the key in Hitler’s consolidation of power, this report will identify the key factors that helped Hitler consolidate power and adjudge how big of a factor propaganda was in comparison to the others. Consequently, the report will include of a conclusive statement to answer the research question to whether or not Propaganda was a major factor to Hitler’s consolidation of power. The report will consult a variety of sources; gather information through different mediums, investigate contrasting viewpoints, and analyze all the evidence. Two sources will be analyzed. Section B: Summary of Evidence On January 30 1933, the President of Germany, Hindenburg appointed chancellorship to a man named Adolf Hitler. To keep his regime stable, Hitler did a number of things to consolidate his power. Hitler wanted more control of the government and to do this he appointed a significant man in the face of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. (Hemsley). Consequently, through Goebbels, he began to instrument propaganda to maintain his support from the people. Goebbels was a master of propaganda and his job, as a Minister was to raise the spirit of ‘Volksgemeinschaft’, the German term for people’s community. In order to attain this, Goebbels setup multiple departments infleuncing Pro-Nazi Propaganda through different
Sunday, May 10, 2020
What Does Research Term Paper Mean?
What Does Research Term Paper Mean? How to Choose Research Term Paper State also how you intend to approach your topic. To satisfy the deadline for submitting the last paper, you'll need to budget your time carefully. Researching any issue about government or laws can get overwhelming because of the intricacy of the issues and even due to the wording of some laws. Have a look at our price calculator to discover what your perfect price for the paper is! Making the choice to employ a custom writing service is critical. When you locate a service you enjoy, don't neglect to look at my review of it. Moreover, our online services are able 24 hours per day, 7 days weekly. It's essential not to fall behind in anything else for a single paper, even when paper is quite significant in a class. A paper is always simpler to write if you're interested in the subject, and you'll be more motivated to do in-depth research and compose a paper that genuinely covers the whole subject. Even should you need to purchase research paper done in 6 hours, you can trust us. Jan 10, in the event you properly formatting for over the absolute most frequently employed for research paper. It's mandatory to likewise reiterate the thesis statement and mention any upcoming research. Most university courses involve some kind of extended writing assignment, generally in the kind of a research paper. Before you commence writing a single word of your paper, you first will need to understand what your thesis will be. You ought to be detached and objective in your writing. Explain briefly the key points you intend to cover in your paper and why readers ought to be interested in your topic. At precisely the same time, the paper should be edited for style (your readers will need to have the ability to understand you). When you finished scanning your article, you have to read it thoroughly next. You'll also wish to consider employing a literature overview. You could also state which type of approach it is that you will use in your paper for the whole discussion of your topic. If you wish to purchase a research paper, online writing service like ours is precisely what you require. When typing up your works cited page there are a few things you have to do. If i. Whatever sort of the right, whether you want a form of the paper. Before you place your purchase, you need to be wondering, who's going to handle it. Even if working in a brief time period, it's important to be certain to use quotes and paraphrase when necessary, making sure not to plagiarize. What's more, we guarantee your upcoming paper is going to be completed in compliance with the greatest academic standards, so be confident that applying for our help, you make the ideal option. For many students, writing the introduction is the initial region of the procedure, setting down the direction of the paper and laying out precisely what the research paper is attempting to accomplish. Even if a specific research paper topic is getting plenty of buzz at this time or other individuals seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic if you don't genuinely have some kind of interest in it also. You might have finished the very best research project on earth, but if you don't make an interesting and well laid out paper, then nobody will take your findings seriously.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Game of Thrones Chapter Fifty-six Free Essays
Tyrion Chella daughter of Cheyk of the Black Ears had gone ahead to scout, and it was she who brought back word of the army at the crossroads. â€Å"By their fires I call them twenty thousand strong,†she said. â€Å"Their banners are red, with a golden lion. We will write a custom essay sample on A Game of Thrones Chapter Fifty-six or any similar topic only for you Order Now †â€Å"Your father?†Bronn asked. â€Å"Or my brother Jaime,†Tyrion said. â€Å"We shall know soon enough.†He surveyed his ragged band of brigands: near three hundred Stone Crows, Moon Brothers, Black Ears, and Burned Men, and those just the seed of the army he hoped to grow. Gunthor son of Gurn was raising the other clans even now. He wondered what his lord father would make of them in their skins and bits of stolen steel. If truth be told, he did not know what to make of them himself. Was he their commander or their captive? Most of the time, it seemed to be a little of both. â€Å"It might be best if I rode down alone,†he suggested. â€Å"Best for Tyrion son of Tywin,†said Ulf, who spoke for the Moon Brothers. Shagga glowered, a fearsome sight to see. â€Å"Shagga son of Dolf likes this not. Shagga will go with the boyman, and if the boyman lies, Shagga will chop off his manhoodâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"â€â€and feed it to the goats, yes,†Tyrion said wearily. â€Å"Shagga, I give you my word as a Lannister, I will return.†â€Å"Why should we trust your word?†Chella was a small hard woman, flat as a boy, and no fool. â€Å"Lowland lords have lied to the clans before.†â€Å"You wound me, Chella,†Tyrion said. â€Å"Here I thought we had become such friends. But as you will. You shall ride with me, and Shagga and Conn for the Stone Crows, Ulf for the Moon Brothers, and Timett son of Timett for the Burned Men.†The clansmen exchanged wary looks as he named them. â€Å"The rest shall wait here until I send for you. Try not to kill and maim each other while I’m gone.†He put his heels to his horse and trotted off, giving them no choice but to follow or be left behind. Either was fine with him, so long as they did not sit down to talk for a day and a night. That was the trouble with the clans; they had an absurd notion that every man’s voice should be heard in council, so they argued about everything, endlessly. Even their women were allowed to speak. Small wonder that it had been hundreds of years since they last threatened the Vale with anything beyond an occasional raid. Tyrion meant to change that. Brorm rode with him. Behind themâ€â€after a quick bit of grumblingâ€â€the five clansmen followed on their undersize garrons, scrawny things that looked like ponies and scrambled up rock walls like goats. The Stone Crows rode together, and Chella and Ulf stayed close as well, as the Moon Brothers and Black Ears had strong bonds between them. Timett son of Timett rode alone. Every clan in the Mountains of the Moon feared the Burned Men, who mortified their flesh with fire to prove their courage and (the others said) roasted babies at their feasts. And even the other Burned Men feared Timett, who had put out his own left eye with a white-hot knife when he reached the age of manhood. Tyrion gathered that it was more customary for a boy to burn off a nipple, a finger, or (if he was truly brave, or truly mad) an ear. Timett’s fellow Burned Men were so awed by his choice of an eye that they promptly named him a red hand, which seemed to be some sort of a war chief. â€Å"I wonder what their king burned off,†Tyrion said to Bronn when he heard the tale. Grinning, the sellsword had tugged at his crotch . . . but even Bronn kept a respectful tongue around Timett. If a man was mad enough to put out his own eye, he was unlikely to be gentle to his enemies. Distant watchers peered down from towers of unmortared stone as the party descended through the foothills, and once Tyrion saw a raven take wing. Where the high road twisted between two rocky outcrops, they came to the first strong point. A low earthen wall four feet high closed off the road, and a dozen crossbowmen manned the heights. Tyrion halted his followers out of range and rode to the wall alone. â€Å"Who commands here?†he shouted up. The captain was quick to appear, and even quicker to give them an escort when he recognized his lord’s son. They trotted past blackened fields and burned holdfasts, down to the riverlands and the Green Fork of the Trident. Tyrion saw no bodies, but the air was full of ravens and carrion crows; there had been fighting here, and recently. Half a league from the crossroads, a barricade of sharpened stakes had been erected, manned by pikemen and archers. Behind the line, the camp spread out to the far distance. Thin fingers of smoke rose from hundreds of cookfires, mailed men sat under trees and honed their blades, and familiar banners fluttered from staffs thrust into the muddy ground. A party of mounted horsemen rode forward to challenge them as they approached the stakes. The knight who led them wore silver armor inlaid with amethysts and a striped purple-and-silver cloak. His shield bore a unicorn sigil, and a spiral horn two feet long jutted up from the brow of his horsehead helm. Tyrion reined up to greet him. â€Å"Ser Flement.†Ser Flement Brax lifted his visor. â€Å"Tyrion,†he said in astonishment. â€Å"My lord, we all feared you dead, or . . . †He looked at the clansmen uncertainly. â€Å"These . . . companions of yours . . . â€Å" â€Å"Bosom friends and loyal retainers,†Tyrion said. â€Å"Where will I find my lord father?†â€Å"He has taken the inn at the crossroads for his quarters.†Tyrion laughed. The inn at the crossroads! Perhaps the gods were just after all. â€Å"I will see him at once.†â€Å"As you say, my lord.†Ser Flement wheeled his horse about and shouted commands. Three rows of stakes were pulled from the ground to make a hole in the line. Tyrion led his party through. Lord Tywin’s camp spread over leagues. Chella’s estimate of twenty thousand men could not be far wrong. The common men camped out in the open, but the knights had thrown up tents, and some of the high lords had erected pavilions as large as houses. Tyrion spied the red ox of the Presters, Lord Crakehall’s brindled boar, the burning tree of Marbrand, the badger of Lydden. Knights called out to him as he cantered past, and men-at-arms gaped at the clansmen in open astonishment. Shagga was gaping back; beyond a certainty, he had never seen so many men, horses, and weapons in all his days. The rest of the mountain brigands did a better job of guarding their faces, but Tyrion had no doubts that they were full as much in awe. Better and better. The more impressed they were with the power of the Lannisters, the easier they would be to command. The inn and its stables were much as he remembered, though little more than tumbled stones and blackened foundations remained where the rest of the village had stood. A gibbet had been erected in the yard, and the body that swung there was covered with ravens. At Tyrion’s approach they took to the air, squawking and flapping their black wings. He dismounted and glanced up at what remained of the corpse. The birds had eaten her lips and eyes and most of her cheeks, baring her stained red teeth in a hideous smile. â€Å"A room, a meal, and a flagon of wine, that was all I asked,†he reminded her with a sigh of reproach. Boys emerged hesitantly from the stables to see to their horses. Shagga did not want to give his up. â€Å"The lad won’t steal your mare,†Tyrion assured him. â€Å"He only wants to give her some oats and water and brush out her coat.†Shagga’s coat could have used a good brushing too, but it would have been less than tactful to mention it. â€Å"You have my word, the horse will not be harmed.†Glaring, Shagga let go his grip on the reins. â€Å"This is the horse of Shagga son of Dolf,†he roared at the stableboy. â€Å"If he doesn’t give her back, chop off his manhood and feed it to the goats,†Tyrion promised. â€Å"Provided you can find some.†A pair of house guards in crimson cloaks and lion-crested helms stood under the inn’s sign, on either side of the door. Tyrion recognized their captain. â€Å"My father?†â€Å"In the common room, m’lord.†â€Å"My men will want meat and mead,†Tyrion told him. â€Å"See that they get it.†He entered the inn, and there was Father. Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, was in his middle fifties, yet hard as a man of twenty. Even seated, he was tall, with long legs, broad shoulders, a flat stomach. His thin arms were corded with muscle. When his once-thick golden hair had begun to recede, he had commanded his barber to shave his head; Lord Tywin did not believe in half measures. He razored his lip and chin as well, but kept his side-whiskers, two great thickets of wiry golden hair that covered most of his cheeks from ear to jaw. His eyes were a pale green, flecked with gold. A fool more foolish than most had once jested that even Lord Tywin’s shit was flecked with gold. Some said the man was still alive, deep in the bowels of Casterly Rock. Ser Kevan Lannister, his father’s only surviving brother, was sharing a flagon of ale with Lord Tywin when Tyrion entered the common room. His uncle was portly and balding, with a close-cropped yellow beard that followed the line of his massive jaw. Ser Kevan saw him first. â€Å"Tyrion,†he said in surprise. â€Å"Uncle,†Tyrion said, bowing. â€Å"And my lord father. What a pleasure to find you here.†Lord Tywin did not stir from his chair, but he did give his dwarf son a long, searching look. â€Å"I see that the rumors of your demise were unfounded.†â€Å"Sorry to disappoint you, Father,†Tyrion said. â€Å"No need to leap up and embrace me, I wouldn’t want you to strain yourself.†He crossed the room to their table, acutely conscious of the way his stunted legs made him waddle with every step. Whenever his father’s eyes were on him, he became uncomfortably aware of all his deformities and shortcomings. â€Å"Kind of you to go to war for me,†he said as he climbed into a chair and helped himself to a cup of his father’s ale. â€Å"By my lights, it was you who started this,†Lord Tywin replied. â€Å"Your brother Jaime would never have meekly submitted to capture at the hands of a woman.†â€Å"That’s one way we differ, Jaime and I. He’s taller as well, you may have noticed.†His father ignored the sally. â€Å"The honor of our House was at stake. I had no choice but to ride. No man sheds Lannister blood with impunity.†â€Å"Hear Me Roar,†Tyrion said, grinning. The Lannister words. â€Å"Truth be told, none of my blood was actually shed, although it was a close thing once or twice. Morrec and Jyck were killed.†â€Å"I suppose you will be wanting some new men.†â€Å"Don’t trouble yourself, Father, I’ve acquired a few of my own.†He tried a swallow of the ale. It was brown and yeasty, so thick you could almost chew it. Very fine, in truth. A pity his father had hanged the innkeep. â€Å"How is your war going?†His uncle answered. â€Å"Well enough, for the nonce. Ser Edmure had scattered small troops of men along his borders to stop our raiding, and your lord father and I were able to destroy most of them piecemeal before they could regroup.†â€Å"Your brother has been covering himself with glory,†his father said. â€Å"He smashed the Lords Vance and Piper at the Golden Tooth, and met the massed power of the Tullys under the walls of Riverrun. The lords of the Trident have been put to rout. Ser Edmure Tully was taken captive, with many of his knights and bannermen. Lord Blackwood led a few survivors back to Riverrun, where Jaime has them under siege. The rest fled to their own strongholds.†â€Å"Your father and I have been marching on each in turn,†Ser Kevan said. â€Å"With Lord Blackwood gone, Raventree fell at once, and Lady Whent yielded Harrenhal for want of men to defend it. Ser Gregor burnt out the Pipers and the Brackens . . . â€Å" â€Å"Leaving you unopposed?†Tyrion said. â€Å"Not wholly,†Ser Kevan said. â€Å"The Mallisters still hold Seagard and Walder Frey is marshaling his levies at the Twins.†â€Å"No matter,†Lord Tywin said. â€Å"Frey only takes the field when the scent of victory is in the air, and all he smells now is ruin. And Jason Mallister lacks the strength to fight alone. Once Jaime takes Riverrun, they will both be quick enough to bend the knee. Unless the Starks and the Arryns come forth to oppose us, this war is good as won.†â€Å"I would not fret overmuch about the Arryns if I were you,†Tyrion said. â€Å"The Starks are another matter. Lord Eddardâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"â€â€is our hostage,†his father said. â€Å"He will lead no armies while he rots in a dungeon under the Red Keep.†â€Å"No,†Ser Kevan agreed, â€Å"but his son has called the banners and sits at Moat Cailin with a strong host around him.†â€Å"No sword is strong until it’s been tempered,†Lord Tywin declared. â€Å"The Stark boy is a child. No doubt he likes the sound of warhorns well enough, and the sight of his banners fluttering in the wind, but in the end it comes down to butcher’s work. I doubt he has the stomach for it.†Things had gotten interesting while he’d been away, Tyrion reflected. â€Å"And what is our fearless monarch doing whilst all this ‘butcher’s work’ is being done?†he wondered. â€Å"How has my lovely and persuasive sister gotten Robert to agree to the imprisonment of his dear friend Ned?†â€Å"Robert Baratheon is dead,†his father told him. â€Å"Your nephew reigns in King’s Landing.†That did take Tyrion aback. â€Å"My sister, you mean.†He took another gulp of ale. The realm would be a much different place with Cersei ruling in place of her husband. â€Å"If you have a mind to make yourself of use, I will give you a command,†his father said. â€Å"Marq Piper and Karyl Vance are loose in our rear, raiding our lands across the Red Fork.†Tyrion made a tsking sound. â€Å"The gall of them, fighting back. Ordinarily I’d be glad to punish such rudeness, Father, but the truth is, I have pressing business elsewhere.†â€Å"Do you?†Lord Tywin did not seem awed. â€Å"We also have a pair of Ned Stark’s afterthoughts making a nuisance of themselves by harassing my foraging parties. Beric Dondarrion, some young lordling with delusions of valor. He has that fat jape of a priest with him, the one who likes to set his sword on fire. Do you think you might be able to deal with them as you scamper off? Without making too much a botch of it?†Tyrion wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smiled. â€Å"Father, it warms my heart to think that you might entrust me with . . . what, twenty men? Fifty? Are you sure you can spare so many? Well, no matter. If I should come across Thoros and Lord Beric, I shall spank them both.†He climbed down from his chair and waddled to the sideboard, where a wheel of veined white cheese sat surrounded by fruit. â€Å"First, though, I have some promises of my own to keep,†he said as he sliced off a wedge. â€Å"I shall require three thousand helms and as many hauberks, plus swords, pikes, steel spearheads, maces, battleaxes, gauntlets, gorgets, greaves, breastplates, wagons to carry all thisâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ The door behind him opened with a crash, so violently that Tyrion almost dropped his cheese. Ser Kevan leapt up swearing as the captain of the guard went flying across the room to smash against the hearth. As he tumbled down into the cold ashes, his lion helm askew, Shagga snapped the man’s sword in two over a knee thick as a tree trunk, threw down the pieces, and lumbered into the common room. He was preceded by his stench, riper than the cheese and overpowering in the closed space. â€Å"Little redcape,†he snarled, â€Å"when next you bare steel on Shagga son of Dolf, I will chop off your manhood and roast it in the fire.†â€Å"What, no goats?†Tyrion said, taking a bite of cheese. The other clansmen followed Shagga into the common room, Bronn with them. The sellsword gave Tyrion a rueful shrug. â€Å"Who might you be?†Lord Tywin asked, cool as snow. â€Å"They followed me home, Father,†Tyrion explained. â€Å"May I keep them? They don’t eat much.†No one was smiling. â€Å"By what right do you savages intrude on our councils?†demanded Ser Kevan. â€Å"Savages, lowlander?†Conn might have been handsome if you washed him. â€Å"We are free men, and free men by rights sit on all war councils.†â€Å"Which one is the lion lord?†Chella asked. â€Å"They are both old men,†announced Timett son of Timett, who had yet to see his twentieth year. Ser Kevan’s hand went to his sword hilt, but his brother placed two fingers on his wrist and held him fast. Lord Tywin seemed unperturbed. â€Å"Tyrion, have you forgotten your courtesies? Kindly acquaint us with our . . . honored guests.†Tyrion licked his fingers. â€Å"With pleasure,†he said. â€Å"The fair maid is Chella daughter of Cheyk of the Black Ears.†â€Å"I’m no maid,†Chella protested. â€Å"My sons have taken fifty ears among them.†â€Å"May they take fifty more.†Tyrion waddled away from her. â€Å"This is Conn son of Coratt. Shagga son of Dolf is the one who looks like Casterly Rock with hair. They are Stone Crows. Here is Ulf son of Umar of the Moon Brothers, and here Timett son of Timett, a red hand of the Burned Men. And this is Bronn, a sellsword of no particular allegiance. He has already changed sides twice in the short time I’ve known him, you and he ought to get on famously, Father.†To Bronn and the clansmen he said, â€Å"May I present my lord father, Tywin son of Tytos of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Shield of Lannisport, and once and future Hand of the King.†Lord Tywin rose, dignified and correct. â€Å"Even in the west, we know the prowess of the warrior clans of the Mountains of the Moon. What brings you down from your strongholds, my lords?†â€Å"Horses,†said Shagga. â€Å"A promise of silk and steel,†said Timett son of Timett. Tyrion was about to tell his lord father how he proposed to reduce the Vale of Arryn to a smoking wasteland, but he was never given the chance. The door banged open again. The messenger gave Tyrion’s clansmen a quick, queer look as he dropped to one knee before Lord Tywin. â€Å"My lord,†he said, â€Å"Ser Addam bid me tell you that the Stark host is moving down the causeway.†Lord Tywin Lannister did not smile. Lord Tywin never smiled, but Tyrion had learned to read his father’s pleasure all the same, and it was there on his face. â€Å"So the wolfling is leaving his den to play among the lions,†he said in a voice of quiet satisfaction. â€Å"Splendid. Return to Ser Addam and tell him to fall back. He is not to engage the northerners until we arrive, but I want him to harass their flanks and draw them farther south.†â€Å"It will be as you command.†The rider took his leave. â€Å"We are well situated here,†Ser Kevan pointed out. â€Å"Close to the ford and ringed by pits and spikes. If they are coming south, I say let them come, and break themselves against us.†â€Å"The boy may hang back or lose his courage when he sees our numbers,†Lord Tywin replied. â€Å"The sooner the Starks are broken, the sooner I shall be free to deal with Stannis Baratheon. Tell the drummers to beat assembly, and send word to Jaime that I am marching against Robb Stark.†â€Å"As you will,†Ser Kevan said. Tyrion watched with a grim fascination as his lord father turned next to the half-wild clansmen. â€Å"It is said that the men of the mountain clans are warriors without fear.†â€Å"It is said truly,†Conn of the Stone Crows answered. â€Å"And the women,†Chella added. â€Å"Ride with me against my enemies, and you shall have all my son promised you, and more,†Lord Tywin told them. â€Å"Would you pay us with our own coin?†Ulf son of Umar said. â€Å"Why should we need the father’s promise, when we have the son’s?†â€Å"I said nothing of need,†Lord Tywin replied. â€Å"My words were courtesy, nothing more. You need not join us. The men of the winterlands are made of iron and ice, and even my boldest knights fear to face them.†Oh, deftly done, Tyrion thought, smiling crookedly. â€Å"The Burned Men fear nothing. Timett son of Timett will ride with the lions.†â€Å"Wherever the Burned Men go, the Stone Crows have been there first,†Conn declared hotly. â€Å"We ride as well.†â€Å"Shagga son of Dolf will chop off their manhoods and feed them to the crows.†â€Å"We will ride with you, lion lord,†Chella daughter of Cheyk agreed, â€Å"but only if your halfman son goes with us. He has bought his breath with promises. Until we hold the steel he has pledged us, his life is ours.†Lord Tywin turned his gold-flecked eyes on his son. â€Å"Joy,†Tyrion said with a resigned smile. How to cite A Game of Thrones Chapter Fifty-six, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Richard Wright
Introduction The Man who was Almost a Man, written by Richard Wright is a masterpiece exploring struggles of blacks and racism in America in mid 20th Century. During this time, whites were grappling with the reality that they would probably live together with blacks for a long time. This notion did not go down well with many whites; therefore, they subjected many blacks into untold sufferings racism being one of the popular intimidation tools.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Richard Wright – The Man Who Was Almost a Man specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nevertheless, the blacks had to struggle for survival and these elements stand out well in Wright’s work, The Man who was almost a Man. Writing in the 20th century, Wolfenstein notes that, â€Å"The problem of the twentieth century was the problem of color-line†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (163). Dave, the protagonist in this story faces the same problems and he ha s to survive. Nevertheless, he cannot survive in a society with unequal playing grounds. To achieve the equal playing ground, Dave has to get a gun; the only way he can wield power in this unfair society. Unfortunately, he does not have the courage to handle a gun; consequently, he uses the gun for the wrong reasons and shoots a mule dead as he practices how to pull the trigger. He has to pay for the dead mule. Wright’s work resonates well with Wolfenstein claims that, â€Å"many black Americans had pushed for equality and economic leverage since the latter half of the nineteenth century†¦began promoting strategies that would chip away at white dominance†(166). The only strategy that Dave has is to own a gun and that is exactly what he does. Perspective of the Story This story is told from an objective point of view. â€Å"With the objective point of view, the writer tells what happens without stating more than can be inferred from the story’s action and dialogue. The narrator never discloses anything about what the characters think or feel, remaining a detached observer†(Stokes Para. 4). Moreover, conversation is a dominant element in a story told from an objective point of view. As Wright begins the story, he does not divulge a lot of information about Dave’s environment. The reader knows very little about Dave’s workmates, friends, or parents. Wright opens the story by saying, â€Å"Dave struck out across the fields, looking homeward through paling light†(Wright Para. 1). This is too general and this is why the story fits in the objective perspective. Scholars have argued that, the reason why Wright uses this form of perspective to, â€Å"get readers to focus more on the imagery of the gun†(Everett 29).Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As expected, Wright accomplished his intentions bec ause the story revolves around this gun, which symbolizes, â€Å"power, masculinity, respect, and independenceâ€â€in short, everything that Dave desperately wants†(Everett 35). This form of perspective helps to build up the central themes of this story viz. racism and survival. On the other side, this short story is full of conversation, an element of objective point of view in literature. In the story, there are some descriptive patches here and there describing places or people; however, the greater part of the story is conversation. Wright utilizes conversation so well that the reader can envision what is happening. For instance, â€Å"How do you do, Dave? What do you want? How are you, Mister Joe? Aw, Ah do not want to buy nothing. Ah, jus wanted to see if you would let me look at the catalog awhile, sure! You want to see it here?†Not so, ah, want to take it home with me. Ah will bring it back tomorrow when Ah come in from the fields.†This conversation makes the reader to get a picture of what is happening in Mr. Joe’s shop. Perspective or point of view in literature is very important for it allows author to draw attention to the main points. For instance, even after Dave shoots the mule, Wright focuses on his main theme of racism by saying, â€Å"There were white and black standing in the crowd†¦Dave cried, seeing blurred white and black faces†(Wright Para. 45). By doing so, Wright draws attention of readers to the issue of racism. This is why he talks of ‘white’ and ‘black’ people surrounding Dave and the dead mule. The important issue here is not the dead mule, it is the people of different colors, and this is why Wright is not concerned too much, about what happens to the dead mule as he is concerned about the ‘white’ and ‘black’ people surrounding Dave. Actually, Dave ‘cried’ for he knew the judgment that awaited him would be based on Ã¢â‚¬Ë œracial’ sentiments. Tone of the Story Wright applies the element of tone richly, â€Å"Tone is a literary technique that is a part of composition, which encompasses the attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience implied in a literary work†(Stokes Para. 6). The tone of this story is somber and condescending. Dave is somber as he comes out of the fields. He says, â€Å"What’s the use of talking with them niggers in the field†(Wright Para. 1). This statement paints a picture of a dull Dave. He is not happy and that is why he does not see the need of arguing with the rest of his workmates. He knows the argument is futile and it will not solve the racism problem that they have in this place because argument does not translate to power; a gun does. After burying the mule, Dave goes out that night to practice shooting.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Richard Wright – The Man Who Was Almost a Man specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As he approaches Mr. Hawkins’ house he murmurs, â€Å"If Ah had just one mo bullet I would take a shot at the house. I would like to scare that old man Hawkins just a little†¦ Just enough to let him know Dave Saunders is a man†(Wright Para. 69). This tone is not a tone of a happy man; no, it is a tone of a dull person ready to prove his point and manhood. As aforementioned, the tone is also condescending. After Mr. Saunders realizes that Dave has a gun and that, the mule died of a gunshot, he patronizes over Dave. Mrs. Saunders follows suit and accuses Dave of killing the mule using the gun she had funded to purchase. Mr. Saunders says, â€Å"You wan me to take a tree n beat you till you talk†(Wright Para. 75). This is very patronizing; simply because Dave is the inferior party, everyone around here can threaten him. The somber and condescending tone used here helps to achieve the theme of survival as a member of a minority group. Interestingly, even other members of the minority group work in concert with those in power to intimidate one of their own. Dave’s parents back Hawkins and they accuse their son. If Mrs. Saunders did not raise the issue of money she had given Dave two nights ago, no one would have ever known or imagined Dave killed the mule. Conclusion Racism and black’s struggles were pertinent issues in American society in mid 20th century. Wright experienced these struggles and this story is a chronicle of personal experiences. After a long time of intimidation and oppression, Dave cannot take it anymore and he decides to prove his manhood by getting a gun. Unfortunately, he does not know how to aim and pull the trigger; therefore, he ends up shooting Jenny, a mule. Two literal elements stand out clearly in this story, perspective, and tone. Wright uses objective point of view, as he does not care much about what surrounds Dave; he is only intereste d in bringing out the theme of racism and survival. He uses a lot of conversation and this helps to build on his themes. The tone in this story plays the same role of building the themes of racism and survival. The tone here is somber and condescending to emphasize how grave racism was during those times. Works Cited Everett, Mildred. â€Å"The Death of Richard Wright’s American Dream: ‘The Man Who Lived Underground.’ â€Å"CLA Journal, 1974. 17(2): 318-26. Stokes, Suzanne. â€Å"Literature Elements.†2006. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Wolfenstein, Eugene. â€Å"Race, Racism, and Racial Liberation.†The Western Political Quarterly, 1977. Web. Wright, Richard. â€Å"A Man who almost Became a Man.†N.d. Web. This essay on Richard Wright – The Man Who Was Almost a Man was written and submitted by user Zander P. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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